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The European was recognised by FIFe in 1949, but it lasted until 1981 when the Scandinavian type of European was considered a separate breed with its own standard.


The European is a breed of unknown origin, but it is a very old breed, that could go back to the Egyptian cats. The European has developed from the natural mouse hunters of Europe with the wish to strengthen the most desirable personality traits of the domestic cats.


The role as the cat breed resembling the original domestic cats of Europe was held until the beginning of the 20th century by the British Shorthair, even though stockier than the majority of common European cats. It was confusing for breeders that the British Shorthair was also called European Shorthair at that time, even though it looked different. The European was recognised by FIFe in 1949, but it lasted until 1981 when the Scandinavian type of European was considered a separate breed with its own standard.


The European is a robust and supple cat, which anatomy is not different from the European domestic cat. The ideal European is presumed to be totally free of any mixture of other breeds. The head is large with well-developed cheeks and slightly rounded forehead. The eyes are large, rounded and set slightly oblique. The ears are medium in size and with rounded tips. The coat is short, dense and springy in texture and is recognized in many colours except those coming from other breeds (chocolate, lilac, pointed, etc.).


Most Europeans are strong and active, and as a rule they are friendly towards people of all ages. They get on well with other cats and tolerate dogs well. Europeans are intelligent and playful, and most of them are expert at keeping houses and gardens free of all types of rodents. They tend to handle changes and an active home very well, making them suitable for families with children.

Description from FIFe webpage.

Photo by Tessa .

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