The beginning of breed starts in 1987 when a female called Varvara, rescued as a kitten, grew up losing her hair. Than Varvara gave birth to both haired and completely hairless kittens.
The Don Sphynx is a medium sized, solid cat originated from a natural mutation discovered in the city Rostov-on-Don in Russia. The specific feature of this breed is hairlessness with soft, warm skin to touch. The Don Sphynx exists with 4 different coat types in a variety of colours. All but one coat usually results in hairlessness.
The beginning of breed starts in 1987 when a female called Varvara, rescued as a kitten, grew up losing her hair. Than Varvara gave birth to both haired and completely hairless kittens. The kittens with hair began to lose it just as their mother before. Those hairless kittens were the foundation of the breed and few years later the Don Sphynx was recognised by the cat fancy in 1990-ies; by FIFe in 2011.
The Don Sphynx is a medium sized cat with medium long, quite strong and muscular body. The hairless skin is elastic, well wrinkled on the head, neck, legs and on the belly. Wrinkles are desirable especially around the muzzle, between the ears and around the shoulders, although wrinkling should not be so pronounced that it affects the cat’s normal functions. The head is wedge shaped with prominent eye brows. Almond shaped, medium sized eyes with characteristic slanted position and alert expression give the breed mysterious look. Medium long legs with long, prominent toes called “monkey fingers” give somehow the appearance of being elegant, but the cat is muscular.
The Don Sphynx is a very unique, curious, soft-hearted and social cat. They love human companion with their gentle attitude. Their skin is warm and soft to touch so cuddling is extremely pleasant for both sides. They are active, therefore they require sufficient stimulation to keep them entertained. They love to be around their humans and other animals at home and are very loyal to their companionship. That’s why they need company and don’t like to be alone. Having The Don Sphynx at home means that you will have a companion in all your activities and warm love all the time. Just be there for them.
Description from FIFe webpage.
Photo by Tessa .