The name ‘Ragdoll’ is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock to go limp and relaxed when picked up.
The Ragdoll is a breed with a colourpoint coat and blue eyes. The name ‘Ragdoll’ is derived from the tendency of individuals from the original breeding stock to go limp and relaxed when picked up.
The breed was developed in Riverside, California (US), by breeder Ann Baker. A regular, non-pedigreed, white domestic longhaired cat named Josephine produced several litters of typical cats. Josephine was not of any particular breed, nor were the males who sired the original litters. Ann Baker herself said that the original cats of the Ragdoll breed were “alley cats”. The breed is recognised by FIFe since 1991.
The Ragdoll is one of the largest cat breeds. Their heads are broad with a flat top and wide space between the ears. They have long, muscular bodies with broad chests. Their tails are bushy and long in length, their paws are large, round, and tufted, and their semi-long coat feels like cold silk to the touch.
The Ragdoll has been known to have a very calm nature, with claims that these characteristics have been passed down from the Persian and Birman breeds. The extreme docility of some individuals has led to the myth that Ragdolls are pain resistant. Ragdolls are often known as ‘dog-like cats’, because of their nature and affectionate behaviour, often following owners from room to room as well as seeking physical affection alike certain dog breeds.
Description from FIFe webpage.
Photo by Tessa .